Immersion of feet alternately in hot and in cold water.alternating-foot-bath


  1. Two containers (such as large plastic pails)
  2. Bath thermometer (if possible)
  3. Cloth for compress if needed


  1. Place feet in hot water 105-110° F. Do not exceed 120° F. Immerse feet and leg up to mid-calf for 3 minutes.
  2. Now change feet to container with cold water 45° F for 30 seconds.
  3. Make 3 complete changes.
  4. With arthritis, end with hot water. For all other conditions, finish with cold water.
  5. If you start sweating, put a cold compress to the head.
  6. Dry thoroughly and carefully.
  7. Rest in bed for about 30 minutes.


Water temperature should not exceed 103° F in Peripheral Vascular disease or in advanced insulin dependent diabetes.

This treatment should increase blood flow to the area and help reduce swelling and pain.